100% satisfaction guarantee
Apex Nutrition Center offers only the highest quality products. Your good health and 100% satisfaction are our primary concern. You may return any item, subject to the following terms:
- Return any unopened, undamaged items to us within 30 days and we will refund your money.
- When we receive your package we will credit the card you paid us with for the full purchase price of your product. No questions asked.
- Products returned after 30 days will have a 20% restocking fee and we are not able to accept returns on products after 60 days.
- Refrigerated items must be returned with an ice pack and labeled "refrigerate on arrival".
- Special order returns: If you need to return/exchange an item that Apex special ordered by your request, there will be a 25% restocking fee.
For any other questions, please call
1-800-426-2831 Monday-Friday 10AM-6PM, Eastern Time
or email us.